I get to met the most AWESOME people! I am really lucky as I get to help our wildlife and our environment and you know I really have met some amazing everyday people!
Today after my Beach Clean Up – Bribie Style, I wandered over to the “Shark in a Bus” exhibit next to the Bribie Island Sea Side Museum.
Ok I am not going to lie to you – Dad wanted to go over and check it out. Seeing a “Shark in a Bus” is not my normal thing I would want to do – but it was worth the trip. I got to met Paul Sharp. One of the founders of the Two Hands Project Inc.
He is great. He is there to help educate us on the plight of the sea birds and our marine animals due to the rubbish our oceans and waterways are filling up with!
When you walk through his museum in a bus, there are a few items that made me go -What The?!? – but the message is a brilliant one. Please go and have a chat with Paul. See his shark and other items in his museum. It is very interesting and join up for the Two Hands Project. Just 30 minutes, when you can, with your two hands, on a beach collect /pick up the rubbish you see. Take a photo on your mobile phone and up load it to their Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/twohandsproject
It is a great idea and everyone can help our planet! Way to go Paul!