Thank you Martin from Geckoes Wildlife Presentations

Wow I have the BEST work experience!  I love it.  I did have to do the hard work and find it myself, but it was so worth it

I have met Martin from Geckoes Wildlife Presentations a couple of times at different wildlife surveys and workshops.  At the latest one I went to with the Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland, I got to meet Martin and his favourite Male who was the star of the Quoll Survey workshop.

I mentioned to Martin that I had to find work experience and he laughed and said as long as you don’t mind the drive to my house each day, let me know the details!

Wow I was hooked.  Mum on the other hand had to discover where a place called Closeburn was – A hour and 15 mins away from my home!  It was 5am starts each day but boy was it worth it!

with shane and snakeThe first day I got go handle snakes, lizards and other reptiles at the Under 8’s Day at Raceview Primary School.


Day two was a day of learning with Scat and Tracks as the subject, with a presentation at Greening Australia.

Day three was more hands on, with cleaning the enclosures and feeding all the animals.  This was a really fun day with me feeding Quolls, Woof Woof the Barking Owl, and some awesome Tawny Frogmouths.  I had heaps of fun making up the food for the Gliders and Bumpy the Wombat!

bumby the wombat

The last day was also fun!  We had to go to a primary school where the kids were learning how to take photos of wildlife!  I got to handle the lizards and frogs!

And this was “Work!”  LOL  I had a ball.  Thank you Martin and all the wonderful staff at Geckoes Wildlife Presentations.  If you want a cool birthday party these guys are the place to check out!

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