Well what a wonderful way to start the school holidays. I got to sit down and meet some amazing talented ladies at the Bribie Island Quilters club at the Art Centre.
I was invited to speak today as they have very kindly donated a fantastic quilt for a raffle prize at the Bribie Gone Wild Wildlife Festival on Saturday the 30th of May.
I think I might have also 50 Jogging Grandmas for the ZOO RUN in the 1km novelty section! How cool are they!
Not only have they donated a beautiful hand crafted quilt, but after getting me a very yummy morning tea the ladies donated a further $100 to help me put on the events!
I meet some really nice and interesting people. So many stories about our very own Eric the Emu, wildlife and I met the amazing photographer Mary Webber who is so knowledgeable about Bribie’s, Birds, Plants and fungi! Awesome Stuff! I love our birds and am so excited to hear that Mary writes books as well!
Thank you so much Island Quilters! I love making new friends that also love our wildlife.