Thank you for your support and your nominations!

I am always amazed and very honoured when I am nominated for an award or prize

I know that life is busy and it is because of special people such as you that take the time to nominate me for these amazing moments and awards.  When I hear that I am in the finalist for any award it always makes me feel very special, humble, proud and very excited all at the same time

I was amazed last year when I was nominated for Young Citizen of the Year for Moreton Bay Region.  I was not expecting to win and when I did I think you can see by my photos I was totally in shock but very very happy and proud.

I think you can see by my photo below you couldn’t wipe the smile off my face!

Young Citizen of the Year Winner - Tegan Lather

This year I have been nominated once again for this major award as well as Environmental Achievement Award as part of the Australia Day celebrations within the Moreton Bay Region.  Thank you everyone for your support and very kind words.  I know I am just a teenager.  I can’t vote to make a difference for our wildlife so when you like my pages on Facebook, come to my events and clean ups it makes me feel very proud and that I am helping in a small way.  If you have met me you will know I don’t really like to speak out in public.  I am actually very shy.  Once I know you I will then have a chat, but I am not a forward person.   So when I think about much amazing support and affection I feel from people it does blow me away.  I have get to make wonderful friends and have met amazing people.


I don’t normally talk about any awards or prizes I am up for before the event.  I don’t want to be seen as showing off, but being nominated once again for such a prestigious award has really made me see that you all appreciate the things I do for our wildlife and environment.

You actually appreciate and support me!  Not the charity that I am raising funds for but Me.  Not the famous faces you can see at different events but Me!   It is very very humbling.

I don’t normally express my dreams or wishes.  Just talk to mum and dad and tell them of my dreams and what I would like to do.  (I will give them both credit – when I come up with some of my ideas like the Car Rally and ZOO RUN concepts they have never said “No cant be done”  “Too much hard work” but have supported me 110% ! ) There is no way I would have had such a fantastic time and been able to put on any of my events without the backing of my parents and family.

So I am just letting you know that 2015 might be a bit bumpy.  I will be in year 11 at St Columbans College and have to manage my schedule to fit in my events.

I am working one weekend a month on my Emu Survey.  Not a quick task at all, but one I am enjoying and learning lots about our wildlife on Bribie

I have 2 scheduled ZOO RUN’s for 2015.

  • August Monarto Zoo in South Australia
  • Sea World in September.

When the dates are all final I am sure to let you know more about these events.

Regular Monthly Beach Clean Up.

And I will be following my main goal I have set myself.

I wish to create a Education Centre on Bribie Island. 

With our amazing wildlife, bird and marine animals I would like to create a centre where students of all ages can come and learn or study our amazing and beautiful island.

I am learning about how to apply for grants and hoping to find a way to create a Education Centre here for everyone to enjoy.

I have big dreams and very lucky that my family not only support my dreams, but are happy to try and make it all a reality.  I don’t think we really have “Family time” any more unless it is at a sausage sizzle, picking up rubbish or going to the local bird hides but it is all fun.

I would like to thank each and every person that has purchased a sausage, raffle ticket, come to a ZOO RUN or event I have hosted.  Liked a post of Facebook or followed me on twitter.

You are all Amazing.  You are all Wildlife Heroes.  You are all my heroes.

Thank you Tegan with shane and snake


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