Last Friday night’s annual Longman Awards was attended by a record 405 locals.
The crowd packed into Caboolture Memorial Hall, where Federal MP for Longman Wyatt Roy honoured 65 finalists before presenting the seven category winners with medallions.
The divisions were: Seniors’ Achievement, Sports Achievement, Small Business Achievement, Community Group Achievement, Youth Achievement, Environmental Achievement and Volunteer Achievement
Winners were:
- Seniors’ Achievement – May Norcott
- Sports Achievement – Jessica Bayliss
- Small Business Achievement – Hans Electrical Services
- Community Group Achievement – Bribie Island SES
- Youth Achievement – Tegan Lather
- Environmental Achievement – Warwick Hill
Bongaree’s Tegan Lather, 13, has raised more than $30,000 for Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors.
As well, the Youth Achievement winner is involved in a range of conservation projects including Clean Up Australia Day. She is a member of the environmental committee at her school and is currently writing a book and creating a smart phone app to further educate the public on helping injured animals.
The Bribie Island State Emergency Service performed outstandingly during this year’s floods. The team went even further – helping the Cyclone Yasi clean-up in Bundaberg, Rockhampton and Maryborough.
Less visible are their other efforts… such as bringing happiness to children at Camp Quality or controlling traffic at Anzac Day marches.
Mr Roy said the Longman Awards aimed to showcase high achievers who had also demonstrated a propensity to “give back”.
“They are our silent engine-room… often unrecognised heroes to whom we owe so much,” he said.
“This year’s event – supported by hundreds of friends and family members of finalists – was a truly spectacular celebration of our community.”
– See more at: Tegan with Mr Wyatt Roy MP