It is official – We have a SOLD OUT Event!!!!
That means lots of money for the injured wildlife and a really fun atmosphere for those who were lucky enough to secure a spot in our first ever ZOO RUN!!!!
So unfortunately, if you haven’t registered, this means we are unable to take any more registrations. We have a strict cap on numbers for people and animal safety, so we won’t be extending our number of participants.
If you have registered, but not yet paid, this is a timely reminder that places are actually allocated on a first pays – first served basis. You may think your spot is reserved, but it is not – unless you pay straight away, it may be gone! This has always been included in our terms and conditions, so that we ensure that we get a full event for our fundraiser.
So c’mon, make that payment and we’ll see you on Sunday for the Jetts Zoo Run!