More Photos of us with the Tasmanian Devils and Eastern Quolls at Queensland Zoo

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I think you can see how excited we were to meet these amazing animals.

Did you know that our Tasmanian Devils are the worlds largest surviving carnivorous marsupial.  Yep we have another amazing animal living with us in Australia!  How Cool is that!


The devil has a large broad head and very thick short tail.  Keepers and scientist use their tail to pick they up by as it is all muscle and doesn’t hurt the animal to be handled in this way.  The fur is mostly black, but they do have white markings on their rump and chest area.

Tasmanian devils are wholly protected. The Devil Facial Tumour Disease, which is now having a devastating effect on the Tasmanian devil population was first noticed in the north-east of Tasmania in the mid-1990s but has become are regular sight for the rest of Tasmanian Devils.  Which is so sad.

The devastating disease is sweeping through Tasmania’s devil population, killing more than 90% of adults in high density areas and 40-50% in medium-low density areas. In 2012 Maria Island was chosen for the first Tasmanian devil translocation project. Fifteen disease-free Tasmanian devils were released onto the Island to secure an insurance population. See the Save the Tasmanian Devil web site for details.


Queensland Zoo helps to save the Tasmanian Devil, so please make sure you stop by for the keeper talk at 11am each day, where you learn first hand about these amazing animals and even get to pat a devil!  Why not spend the $30 to enjoy a close up encounter after the talk.  I will tell you it is worth every cent.

But are you ready!  Here come the Eastern Quolls!!!!!

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The facts are telling us that the eastern quoll could follow the severe population decline of the Tasmanian devil! How sad would that be!

This cute and amazing carnivorous marsupial was once found all over  Australia in good numbers.  Now very few sightings are seen. They were once found easily at Tasmania, but now even there they are disappearing at a alarming rate!   We need to protect this little guy, as not much is know about them, but we do need them!

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The Quoll was so soft to touch and look very much like the Tasmanian Devil but smaller.  My mum thought she could see a possum look with their  cute eyes and pink noses.

In recent years numbers in Tasmania  have declined dramatically with no sign of recovery.  So we really need to start looking after these animals.  If you would like to help please go to to see what you can do.  They are searching for stories about the quolls.  Any stories from Great Grandad about how they stole the chickens to a sighting you might have thought you have seen while walking in the national parks.  Please get in touch.  We need to find these wonderful animals to help save them and make sure they are hear to stay with us forever.

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I was so impressed with Queensland Zoo.  As most of the locals from South East Queensland know the animals are from the old Alma Park Zoo.  The owner of that company purchased it from the family in 2000 and just waited for the best time to sell the zoo to the developers.

It took one very gutsy lady, Julie Seabrook, to create a new home for these beautiful animals at Queensland Zoo.  Just beside the icon Big Pineapple.  With the help of only 8 friends and staff the move was made.  I will be supporting this wonderful Zoo and I hope you will too.

You will not find a more loving home for these animals.  You can see the animals love their new homes.  The Sun Bear was out and about bouncing around his new big enclosure.  The Red Panda was out saying Hello to everyone even in the Summer heat.  The Lemurs were chatting and the rest of the primates were all out and about saying G’day to everyone that walked by.  Please go and visit Queensland Zoo.  You can take your whole family (family pass is $70)  for the price of an Adult at other zoo’s on the Coast.  To learn more or book your encounters please go to

So to end of my day here is our family photo is that already hanging in our lounge room to remember Dad’s Birthday at Queensland Zoo.


Thanks for reading.  Please share my stories and like me on Facebook or Twitter.




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Queensland Zoo is a Fantastic day out for EVERYONE!

As some of you might know (anyone who follows me on Facebook for Wildlife Emergency or ZOO RUN) it was Dad’s birthday last week.

So what do the Lather Family do for Birthdays Christmas Easter or any other special occasion?  Easy – we do animal encounters to learn as well as help out some of our endangered species.  We also get to have a lot of fun.

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On Saturday we drove to 10 Nambour Connection Road Nambour on the Sunshine Coast to check out the new Queensland Zoo.

We had booked a Tasmanian Devil and Eastern Quoll Encounter for only $30 each.  What a great way to spend a summers day.

It was FANTASTIC  these animals at Queensland Zoo were hand raised and very important being involved in breeding programs to help prevent their kind from being wiped out.

We got to snuggle, cuddly and sniff and truly feel in love.


If you would love to have a cuddle to go to Queensland Zoo – Encounters Page and give them a call.  They are open every day of the year except for Christmas Day



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December Beach Clean Up Cancelled

Due to the horrible weather, today’s beach clean up is cancelled.

See you in January when the weather is nicer!

Merry Christmas


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Thank you for your support and your nominations!

I am always amazed and very honoured when I am nominated for an award or prize

I know that life is busy and it is because of special people such as you that take the time to nominate me for these amazing moments and awards.  When I hear that I am in the finalist for any award it always makes me feel very special, humble, proud and very excited all at the same time

I was amazed last year when I was nominated for Young Citizen of the Year for Moreton Bay Region.  I was not expecting to win and when I did I think you can see by my photos I was totally in shock but very very happy and proud.

I think you can see by my photo below you couldn’t wipe the smile off my face!

Young Citizen of the Year Winner - Tegan Lather

This year I have been nominated once again for this major award as well as Environmental Achievement Award as part of the Australia Day celebrations within the Moreton Bay Region.  Thank you everyone for your support and very kind words.  I know I am just a teenager.  I can’t vote to make a difference for our wildlife so when you like my pages on Facebook, come to my events and clean ups it makes me feel very proud and that I am helping in a small way.  If you have met me you will know I don’t really like to speak out in public.  I am actually very shy.  Once I know you I will then have a chat, but I am not a forward person.   So when I think about much amazing support and affection I feel from people it does blow me away.  I have get to make wonderful friends and have met amazing people.


I don’t normally talk about any awards or prizes I am up for before the event.  I don’t want to be seen as showing off, but being nominated once again for such a prestigious award has really made me see that you all appreciate the things I do for our wildlife and environment.

You actually appreciate and support me!  Not the charity that I am raising funds for but Me.  Not the famous faces you can see at different events but Me!   It is very very humbling.

I don’t normally express my dreams or wishes.  Just talk to mum and dad and tell them of my dreams and what I would like to do.  (I will give them both credit – when I come up with some of my ideas like the Car Rally and ZOO RUN concepts they have never said “No cant be done”  “Too much hard work” but have supported me 110% ! ) There is no way I would have had such a fantastic time and been able to put on any of my events without the backing of my parents and family.

So I am just letting you know that 2015 might be a bit bumpy.  I will be in year 11 at St Columbans College and have to manage my schedule to fit in my events.

I am working one weekend a month on my Emu Survey.  Not a quick task at all, but one I am enjoying and learning lots about our wildlife on Bribie

I have 2 scheduled ZOO RUN’s for 2015.

  • August Monarto Zoo in South Australia
  • Sea World in September.

When the dates are all final I am sure to let you know more about these events.

Regular Monthly Beach Clean Up.

And I will be following my main goal I have set myself.

I wish to create a Education Centre on Bribie Island. 

With our amazing wildlife, bird and marine animals I would like to create a centre where students of all ages can come and learn or study our amazing and beautiful island.

I am learning about how to apply for grants and hoping to find a way to create a Education Centre here for everyone to enjoy.

I have big dreams and very lucky that my family not only support my dreams, but are happy to try and make it all a reality.  I don’t think we really have “Family time” any more unless it is at a sausage sizzle, picking up rubbish or going to the local bird hides but it is all fun.

I would like to thank each and every person that has purchased a sausage, raffle ticket, come to a ZOO RUN or event I have hosted.  Liked a post of Facebook or followed me on twitter.

You are all Amazing.  You are all Wildlife Heroes.  You are all my heroes.

Thank you Tegan with shane and snake


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Please help me win a new Web Page

great newsI am really excited.  I have been nominated to win a new web page with the help of Kochie from Sunrise on Channel Seven!

The link to help me win is

Please vote and share.  Thank you in advance.  It is really appreciated.


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ZOO RUN raises $10,000 for Currumbin Wildlife Hospital

Woo Hoo!!!!!

The ZOO RUN @ Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary raised over $10,000 – with all profits being donated to the Currumbin Wildlife Hospital.

Very busy morning…. I think I need a nap! Actually it looks like the whole family and our great volunteers are all off for a nap as well!

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So Many Eric the Emu Stories!

April 21st Banksia Beach

I am getting VERY excited as yesterday at the local Sausage Sizzle at Mitre 10 I had so many people (locals and tourists) tell me of their sightings of emus on Bribie

So many people were concerned that something had happened to Eric the Emu in the Fire that  recently happened on Bribie.

I just wanted to let you know that he is ok.  Eric has been sighted, most recently just 2 weeks ago, outside of Banksia Beach Primary school and on Avon Drive.  Another exciting sighting was by the Ladies Walking group from the Surf Club.   They spotted a young looking emu on the beach at Woorim!  Awesome news!

August 26 2014 Ocean Beach Bribie Island

I am so happy to hear that people are finding Eric.

I have been walking all over Bribie trying to find Emu tracks and with the help of so many people yesterday I think I may have finally found some!  So exciting.  I am meeting up with Dr Scott Burnett on Wednesday when I do a story on the Emu Survey with Totally Wild so will clarify that what I did find is in fact Emu Tracks.

Please keep sharing with us where you last saw Eric.  This gives us a good start in where to look and measure the tracks.

Thank you Bribie.  I will keep you posted on how the wildlife survey is going


PLEASE PLEASE keep sending me your photos and sightings 🙂

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Only 12 more days until our next Beach Clean Up – Bribie Style with some very important VIPS

Please join us for the Beach Clean up this October.  We have some very special VIP’s coming to help us discover just want is in our beautiful Pumicestone Passage.

Divers from Sea World Rescue and Research Foundation will be joining us at Brennan Park at Bongaree to dive for rubbish.


We are very excited to see just what is under our beautiful waterway and it will be great if any rubbish is discovered to have it removed.  Check out this Awesome link for the Community Clean Ups!


Healthy Waterways is also one of the wonderful organisation we are working with to make a difference.  They have some great ideas we can all help to keep our waterways clean so everyone can enjoy them.


To learn more just go to

I am hoping for a HUGE turnout to show our visitors we do care about our home.  Please come down to the Rotary Markets on Sunday the 12th of October to meet some very special friends.


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It is offical Eric has Friends! But we really need your help to find out more!

Baby Emu at Poverty on Bribie 4WD trackCheck this out!  It is a young Emu!  Seen last year in 2013 by Colleen. Thank you so much for sending this photo in.  The “teenager” emu was seen on the 4WD track up near Poverty Bribie Island….this is SO EXCITING!  Please share any stories, sightings or photos of any emus seen on Bribie Island.  Thank you

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Check out these great photos of Eric? Have you seen him?

Thank you I have had about 50 response to how much you all LOVE Eric the Emu and how you would like to learn more.

Please share your locations you have seen Eric, or little Eric’s so we can continually update the map.  It will take a little while to get this survey done.  With help from everyone it will be fun and hopefully a great outcome.

Thank you to everyone that has contributed photos and sightings.

Jeanne W 2012 EricThanks Jeanne from Banksia Beach that saw Eric in 2012

Natasja Adam. June 27th 2013 banksia

Natasja saw Eric 27th of June 2013 in Avon Drive Banskia Beach

Please keep the information coming.  Thank you


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