Janet Jackson Author of Bribie Tales

Janet Jackson bribie tales

I am so lucky.  I get to meet the best people.  It always amazes me how lovely and supportive people are towards my dream of opening a Wildlife Education Centre on Bribie Island for everyone to enjoy.

I have gotten to know the lovely Janet Jackson through email and facebook.  Janet writes childrens books and our very own Eric the Emu is the star of a few.  Janet fell in love with Bribie Island when she came here on holidays from New South Wales.  Since then she has been writing cool stories for kids to help them fall in love with our wildlife and all their exciting adventures!

I thought Janet lived close by and invited her to come and have a stall at the Bribie Gone Wild Wildlife Festival.  Imagine my surprise when she argeed and told me she lived in Albury NSW!  Wow.

A few weeks later I got a AWESOME email from Janet.  She told me she was SO inspired by my work with my beach clean up’s that she wrote a book called Plastic Soup!


The book is aimed at pre-teens with an interest in saving the environment. The tale is set on the beautiful island of Bribie, just a stone’s throw from Brisbane Qld, AUSTRALIA. A chance meeting with a loggerhead turtle and a young person swimming in the Pumicestone Passage sparks a crusade to stop plastic harming the ocean around the Island and beyond.

Janet has even put a special dedication in the front of the book to ME!!!!!

I hope you will all purchase a book at the Bribie Gone Wild Wildlife Festival or on line as Janet has now decided to donate the profits from the sale from Plastic Soup to Wildlife Emergency to assist us with making my dream come true.  A Wildlife Education Centre on Bribie Island.

Here is the link to purchase Plastic Soup!

Now how special is Janet!  What a lovely and amazing person.  I am still in shock!  I cant wait to meet her in person and give her a HUGE hug!  She will also be doing a reading on the day of the Wildlife Festival so please make sure you come along and met this very special lady.  I am at a loss at what else to say.  I am just blown away by the support and such generosity from people.

It is when people are SO NICE that I realise I am making a difference.  I can change the world even if it is a little bit at a time.  People do love and appreciate our amazing widlife and marine animals and together we can make a difference.

sea tutrle thank you

Posted in Bribie Island, Environment, Fundraising, Tegan, Uncategorized, Wildlife, ZOO RUN | Leave a comment

Bribie Potters are Frog Lovers!

I had the BEST morning!  I am getting to know the most amazing and talented people on Bribie Island.  I am also jumbled by the fantastic support and wonderful donations for the Raffles for the ZOO RUN and Bribie Gone Wild Wildlife Festival that groups like the Bribie Potters are donating!

I was so lucky to meet the President of Bribie Potters Ms Carol Smeldley and the lovely Colleen Finn.  I got a tour of the Potters studio at the Bribie Island and got to check out awesome work in progress and some fantastic finished peices.   The Bribie Potters are coming to the Bribie Gone Wild Wildlife Festival to set up a stall to show and sell their amazing works – all do to with Wildlife of course!  We will all be in for a treat!

Bribie Islands Potters donate a frog satute

The Bribie Potters have donated a frog scuplture by Australia’s leading leading wildlife sculptors  Lindsay Muir

Frog Statue

Mr Lindsay Muir is a well known artist and his work is in many Zoos and gift shops.  To learn more about Mr Muir please go to his web page or like him on Facebook.

This sculpture is so beautiful  I am sure the lucky winner will be really happy.  Thank you Bribie Potters!

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April Beach Clean up Done and Recorded.

buckets beach clean up april 2015

Thanks to everyone that showed up this morning to help with the Bribie Gone Wild Beach Clean Up!

Sadly we filled our buckets up quite quickly once again.  It was also great to see that we didnt find many Easter Egg Wrapers from the night before Easter Egg Hunt!  Way to go guys!  We did find some paddle pop sticks though!  Sadly the bunny was left and I couldnt claim a egg.  🙂

We did however find a lot of FULL nappies under the jetty YUCK and broken glass on the beach so be careful when you are down there walking or playing.  It was great to note that not as many cigarette butts were collected and no toys or odd bits found today.


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Thank you Island Quilters Inc

bribie quilters lovely lady that donated and made the quilt

Well what a wonderful way to start the school holidays.  I got to sit down and meet some amazing talented ladies at the Bribie Island Quilters club at the Art Centre.

I was invited to speak today as they have very kindly donated a fantastic quilt for a raffle prize at the Bribie Gone Wild Wildlife Festival on Saturday the 30th of May.

I think I might have also 50 Jogging Grandmas for the ZOO RUN in the 1km novelty section!  How cool are they!

Not only have they donated a beautiful hand crafted quilt, but after getting me a very yummy morning tea the ladies donated a further $100 to help me put on the events!

quilt raffle

I meet some really nice and interesting people.  So many stories about our very own Eric the Emu, wildlife and I met the amazing photographer Mary Webber who is so knowledgeable about Bribie’s, Birds, Plants and fungi!  Awesome Stuff!  I love our birds and am so excited to hear that Mary writes books as well!

Thank you so much Island Quilters!  I love making new friends that also love our wildlife.

sea tutrle thank you



Posted in Bribie Island, Fundraising, Tegan, Wildlife, ZOO RUN | Leave a comment

We are off to find Eric the Emu

Hey Eric the Emu we are up looking for you and the rest of your friends at the top end of Bribie today!
So please come and say G’day!  Dr Scott Burnett and I will be up there with other uni students from University of the Sunshine Coast tracking your footprints and collecting your Scat! 
Yes you heard right – we are on the trail of Emu Poo!  So please come by and say G’day.  If we have any other wildlife lovers that would like to help us out at the next Emu Survey please email us at info@wildlifeemergency.com.au
Why not check out our ZOO RUN and Bribie Gone Wild pages and check out our next two fundraisers to help me get the Wildlife Education Centre here on Bribie
Stay tuned for an update on how the day goes! ?
Erictheemu-walkingAugust 26 2014 Ocean Beach Bribie IslandErictheemu-walking

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I was asked to ROAR at The Roar Initiative Inc at North Lakes


Well Thursday afternoon  was a range of emotions!  I was asked to go and have a chat with the youth group at The ROAR Initiative Inc at Northlake’s.  As this was my first speaking role I was VERY VERY nervous.  As it turned out I had nothing to worry about because all these teenagers and young kids are just like me!

The ROAR Initiative mantra is “Youth Making a Difference in their World”.  Wow what a great bunch of kids and a lot of them exactly my same age and all turning 16 in July this year…that was a bit weird but cool!  LOL

The youth group is really cool and if you love wildlife I suggest you get in touch with Sherry Bruce the founder of ROAR.

At The ROAR Inititive Northlakes with Martin for Geckoes

They provide really cool stuff like

  • Mentoring
  • Interactive workshops
  • Providing opportunities for questioning, problem solving and evaluation
  • Collaboration with peers and others from local and global communities
  • Providing experiences with understanding within local and global communities

Experiential learning projects for its youth members will focus on three areas of interest & will include:

  • Humanitarian projects
  • Environment & Conservation projects
  • Media and Art projects that foster environmental and social awareness

On the night I dropped in my friend Martin from Geckoes Wildlife Presentations was there teaching them all about quolls.  So I got to see one of my favourite animals and meet amazing new friends.  Top night.

To learn more about ROAR go to their web page.  I am very happy to tell you that they have agreed to come to the Bribie Gone Wild Wildlife Festival so you can come and meet them all on Saturday the 30th of May.

If you want to get in touch and join

The Roar Initiative Inc.
540 Bestmann Road,
Ningi QLD 4511
Telephone: 07) 54 977 941
All phone calls are received & attended to by the business Professor JellyBean
FAX: +07 54 975 820
E-mail: sherry@theroarinitiative.org

Thank you Sherry and Marissa and all the cool kids in ROAR for the invite!  I am sure we will be seeing a lot of each other.  🙂


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Check out all the details on my latest ZOO RUN right here!

To find out all about the ZOO RUN @ Bribie island with the help of Queensland Zoo and so many of my amazing wildlife friends please jump over to the ZOO RUN web page that have now been set up.

www.zoorun.com.au and click on the drop down tab for Bribie Island

See you over there!

Hurry Book today as Early Bird Tickets can save you up to $20 per person!


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Beach Clean Up on Tomorrow 8th of March

Quick shout out about the Clean Up tomorrow at the Beach in front of the Rotary Markets.

We will be there from 8.30am with

  • Hawaiian Shirts
  • Pick Up Sticks
  • Gloves
  • Buckets
  • And winning smiles!

Come down and help us clean up from Shirley Creek to Williams Creek.  Within an hour we normally collect over 20 kilos of rubbish with an average of just 6 people.  Imagne the difference it would be if you join in the fun tomorrow.

Look for us in these stunning shirts.  Sign on and make a difference. Turtle Cartoon

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3rd of March is World Wildlife Day

Today is World Wildlife Day.  Please take the time to share a photo, thoughts or even this posts to let people know we have to wake up to what we are doing and STOP!

Wildlife Crime – Let’s end it now.

Lets find a better way to live with these animals and learn to love them.  We are all put here for a reason, and our reason is not to kill everything around us.

I might be young, but my favourite Walt Disney Movie was the Lion King and the “Circle of Life” song was written for a reason.  Please before you buy that exotic animal, ask yourself where did it come from?  Before you purchase those food items, ask yourself does it have unsustainable Palm Oil.  Please DONT PURCHASE any products that use Wildlife.  You don’t need that alligator belt or snake boots.

Tell the world you are ?#?SeriousAboutWildlifeCrime? on March 3rd for World Wildlife Day! http://goo.gl/FaP8DP



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So had a interesting weekend.

Had a interesting weekend…in fact it was pretty AWESOME!

I got a call from Paul and Karen Strike who owns Flying Signs.

I am pretty sure the name has given it away, but they are a fantastic Caboolture based company that flies amazing banners to attract attention for new events, products and even makes a few proposals now and then.

Well you may have guessed it, but they want to help me get the ZOO RUN message out there! So we have sat down and worked out when and where we will fly the banner! How cool is that! Watch the video below to see how it is all done!

So keep your eyes and ears at the ready! A cool competition will go along with the banner – you never know what you might WIN!!! We will keep you updated on times and dates…..but if you would like to check it out for your next event or campaign please go to their web page Flying Signs and remember to like them on Facebook!

Thanks Paul and Karen you guys are FLYING FANTASTIC FUN FANS!

Flying High Banner with web address

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