Next 6 months are looking busy!!!!

Every time we run a fundraiser, we get offered another one or two new fundraising opportunities! This is absolutely fantastic (even though we are booked every weekend for the next few months!)

Here’s a snap shot of some our our upcoming fundraisers:

– Fashion Show at Blue Illusions, Sunshine Plaza (Maroochydore) – their beautiful clothes will be paraded with all the glitz and glam of a full-blown fashion show. A percentage of their sales on the day will be donated to the Warriors! So if you need an “excuse” to go shopping, here’s a great one!

– Nando’s at Maroochydore have offered a fun night with proceeds to the Warriors – details yet to be finalised! Nando’s also supported our car rally with cool prizes and a cheeky cockerel at the event!

– Madagascar 3 Movie Party at Maroochydore Cinemas (for the Warriors) and Morayfield Cinemas (for Alma Park’s fundraiser for Proyecto Titi – Project Tamarin). Not just the new 3D Movie, but we’ll turn it into a party event for all the kids (even Mums & Dads get to come at kids prices!).

– Caboolture Dressage Group will be having their annual fun day. Each year they choose a new charity to benefit from their fun day and this year will be the Wildlife Warriors! I believe they are making it into a great jungle theme! So both horses and riders wil be dressed up quite different from their normal elegant attire!

– Mum’s looking at hosting another Animal Communication course for all her “new age” friends – Last year’s Ask Animals Anything event was pretty amazing and she thinks this year’s will be even better!

– I’m still working on the Wildlife Emergency book and Dad’s following behind converting the pages into an App for your smart phone! I’m very excited about finally getting this finished as it means a Book Launch Party!!! Can you have an App Launch too? Why not! Sounds fun!

Thanks to all the wonderful people out there who are offering these opportunities – every event not only raises funds but also raises the public’s awareness of the great work of Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors and the Joey Ambassador program!

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