I love the sound of the rain!

wallumsedgefrog-leafletI love the sound of the rain.  It wouldn’t be the start of a school year without the rain.  It was very nice that it held off until all the  Australia Day events could be held.

I was lying in bed this morning having a cuddle with my cat (don’t worry she is a house cat – well fed and expects food on demand) thinking now who would like this weather.

Not the mums driving all the kids to school.  Not the dads all on the way to work  I like to listen to the rain when I have a lazy day planned inside, but I don’t particularly enjoy getting wet.

But then I started to think about the ducks, frogs, all the wildlife that really need the rain.  Queensland is still in a drought and it has been so hot.  So I think it is a good thing.  Just like these guys do.   There are 3 species of frog that are found all over Bribie Island and a another variety of frog called  The Scarlet Sided Pobblebonk

These little guys breed in tannin-stained waters of pH 3.5 and less- waters toxic to most other amphibian species.   Now aren’t we lucky!

My favourite though is the green frog that is always heard singing in our drain pipes when the rain starts to fall.  A large number of little green frogs come and sit on our windows and you get to watch them.  Mum says a green frog in the garden means you have a healthy environment.

So think of the frogs today as you are getting a bit wet and remember how much the flora and fauna need the rain


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