Today is World Wildlife Day. Please take the time to share a photo, thoughts or even this posts to let people know we have to wake up to what we are doing and STOP!
Wildlife Crime – Let’s end it now.
Lets find a better way to live with these animals and learn to love them. We are all put here for a reason, and our reason is not to kill everything around us.
I might be young, but my favourite Walt Disney Movie was the Lion King and the “Circle of Life” song was written for a reason. Please before you buy that exotic animal, ask yourself where did it come from? Before you purchase those food items, ask yourself does it have unsustainable Palm Oil. Please DONT PURCHASE any products that use Wildlife. You don’t need that alligator belt or snake boots.
Tell the world you are ?#?SeriousAboutWildlifeCrime? on March 3rd for World Wildlife Day!